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Newest Tax

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:26 pm
by LovelyLadyLux
In Canada now our PM Trudeau has literally gone tax crazy. I swear he is going to start taxing the air we breathe.

The latest NEW tax:

The sales clerk who gets a 25-per-cent discount on the shoes sold at her store is facing a new bill: The Canada Revenue Agency has indicated that employee discounts will now be taxed.
It’s a reinterpretation that prompted disbelief. “Why would the government want to abandon long-standing practice to start taxing a store employee for a 20-per-cent discount on a pair of jeans?” Retail Council of Canada vice-president Karl Littler said at a hearing of the Commons finance committee.
For months, employer organizations thought that the interpretation in the new tax folio, which indicate employee discounts are taxable benefits, might simply be a mistake.
But a spokesperson for the CRA, Zoltan Csepregi, told The Globe and Mail in an e-mail that it is the new folio that is “correct and represents CRA’s interpretation of the law.”

Nowhere is all the Administration of this new tax figured in. Do employers who offer minimal discounts to their Employees really truly have to keep track? Crazeeeeee BUT when you have a PM who has literally thrown money away all over to everywhere I guess he has to squeeze out every nickle he can find (nickle being our smallest denomination now)

Re: Newest Tax

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:16 pm
by Horus
If they do that the perk will not be worth having :ni:

Re: Newest Tax

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:37 am
by Grandad
We are taxed at source against our income but any employment benefits seem to be a happy hunting ground for Chancellors. When I was working I had a very good benefits package BUT it cost me and there is a balance as to whether it is worth it.
We have similar situations LLL where the Government look for any loopholes to gain more revenue. But they still send many millions (or billions) to countries in the form of foreign aid, some of which countries are doing very well and don't need the aid. There is always the question of where exactly does such aid end up?

Re: Newest Tax

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:21 pm
by LovelyLadyLux
Our PM has gone crazy with giving away all our $$ so much so they're now looking for any new tax or source of revenue they can find.

Mostly our sales clerks make minimum wage so getting a few perks of cheap(er) clothing from a store they work in helps the budget. There also seems to be a requirement here that in the upper end stores (which really don't pay any better than the lower end stores) the salespeople are stylishly dressed, modern and very smart looking. This doesn't come without a price so being able to purchase off the rack for a discount helps. To tax this seems so severe and the actual Administrative end of checking it all out and process it through probably going to cost more than the Gov't actually brings in.